The sign reads " Meyer Sound SIM3 Se-mi-NA (seminar) Our seminar was held on the 47th floor of the Sumitomo building in Shinjuku, a high rise area of western Tokyo in August of 2010. Shinjuku has the highest concentration of tall buildings in Tokyo … [Continue reading] about Tokyo Seminar – 23 years of relationships
If you have ever tuned a sound system – watch this video – 3 min.
This is a highly informative - and realistic - short video on the how a system optimization engineer and FOH engineer relate in their job roles. We have Bennet Prescott to thank for this. I only wish I had done it myself. … [Continue reading] about If you have ever tuned a sound system – watch this video – 3 min.
UCI Line array tuning description updated – SIM data added
I finally got the time to sort through the SIM traces from the UCI line array tuning. The SIM data is now present in the UCI seminar post located here. This took a long time but it is actually some of the clearest data I have had a chance to put … [Continue reading] about UCI Line array tuning description updated – SIM data added
Asia Seminars 2010
I am on my way today to Tokyo. Sort of. First Dallas for a 16 hour layover and then on to Tokyo. I have a seminar in Shinjuku and then on to Hong Kong where we will do it all again. This last month has been CRAZY BUSY - and I am NOT complaining - … [Continue reading] about Asia Seminars 2010
UCI SIM Seminar – Photo Gallery
Here is a gallery of photos from the UCI seminar. I am grateful to Will Nealie for sending me the pics. I will be happy to hear from any and all............ till next time 6o6 … [Continue reading] about UCI SIM Seminar – Photo Gallery