We have now lowered the price for the spanish edition by 30%. To take advantage of this discount, please use the code GREENBOOK. Thank you.
NOW THROUGH JUNE 30, 2020 ON SALE FOR 20% OFF The Spanish language version of the third edition of Sound Systems: Design and Optimization USE COUPON CODE CUIDENSE at checkout

The Third Edition of Sound Systems: Design and Optimization is almost an entirely new book. I learned so much between the time I wrote the earlier editions and this greatly expanded Third Edition.
With the second edition, I expanded a few parts and corrected some errors. However, between the time of the first and third books, the technology had developed tremendously. Digital audio transmission and loudspeaker technology improved by light years. By the time I wrote this third edition I had been collecting data for another ten years. It was important to me that I share all I had learned with my readers. Now in the third edition you will find
- 17 case studies and
- step-by-step “recipes” for tuning systems in various kinds of environments.
- vastly improved increased resolution and
- graphic content reorganized and easy to read.
I am so pleased with the electronic version of this book that I have decided to publish this Spanish Third Edition only as an eBook.
This book will help you:
- Improve your design and optimization decisions by understanding how audiences perceive reinforced sound
- Use modern analyzers and prediction programs to select speaker placement, equalization, delay and level settings based on how loudspeakers interact in the space
- Define speaker array configurations and design strategies that maximize the potential for spatial uniformity
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of the tools and techniques required to generate a design that will create a successful transmission/reception model

On September 16th I will be in Lima, Peru at the Audio Engineering Society Latin American Conference. On September 17th, I will be giving a talk on my favorite subject, Sound Systems: Design and Optimization. I have a number of great examples of sound systems I have worked with recently to share with everyone. Some of these include the Roskilde Festival in Denmark, Metallica World Wide Tour and many other venues. The conference has a busy schedule and includes people in the audio industry from all over the world. I am honored to be a part of this event and looking forward to seeing all my Latin American friends.
Take the cable test: Can you hear the difference?
John Huntington put together a recording that allows you to see if you can hear the difference between star-quad and regular cable. Try it yourself. I did.
And then fill out the survey. I did. It takes only a short time. The more statistics John has – the better he can get to the bottom of this
Here is the link
Fall Teaching Tour: Vilnius
This is the 3rd year in a row that I have done a set of SIM Seminar in the fall in Europe. In the previous years we did Montebaur Germany (2x) and London (2x) and Madrid (1x). This year we mixed it up with two new cities: Vinius and Berlin and a 3rd round of London.
Vilnius is the largest city in Lithuania. Lithuania (the country) has the same population as my home city (St. Louis) of 3 million people. St. Louis is famous for bad beer. In Lithuania they prefer stronger stuff!
My host company was Ogmios Pulsas and I was well taken care of by Ramunas and Vitius. They showed me around the city and we tested out numerour restaurants, live music clubs, drinking spots, Ramunas’ house and almost…………..the local strip club by the hotel. It seems we did not drink QUITE enough to get there. The class was quite full and included important engineers from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Finland, Russia and more. Peoplpe were very focused on the subject at hand. It is amamzing what a difference the years make. It was not so long ago that I would stand in front of a bunch of folks and the message I got back was “Why can’t we just do it by ear?’ Nowadays a seminar is filled with folks who understand the power of the modern analyzer – and whether they use SIM, or one of the many Sons of SIM they are using the dual channel FFT – and they want to know how to do it better. I no longer have to convince people that using their ears AND an analyzer is the best combination for dealing with this VERY COMPLEX subject.
I really enjoyed everybody there. We had a great time at Ram’s house, eating, drinking and playing Jazz (and a bit of Rock’n’roll). Thanks so much and I hope to come back there soon.