This page is for discussions, comments, photos, etc., of past seminars. If you have attended one and have a photo please send it to me. If you can help identify people on any of these photos, that would be helpful to me and the CIA. If you have any comments about any ones that you have attended please post them here. There are SO MANY seminars over the years, ans SO MANY memeories and I have SO FEW pictures. Here is what I have to date.

This was a great seminar in Madrid. It was hosted by Meyer Sound Espana. Mauricio Ramirez and Ana Lorente did the spanish translation for me. That was very special for me because he was the translator of my blue book and she was the translator of my green book. Nico Suarez drove me every day as well as David Lorente. I enjoyed a great bottle of Russian vodka from Igor and ??? See I need help!!! If you are in this picture, let me know.

Even though I had been treaching this for 21 years, this was my first SIM school on the European continent. Early on in SIM development we divided the world and I took Asia, Australia and North America, while others took Europe and South America. Finally I asked to please have a chance to teach in Europe and this was the start. It was a great bunch of very smart engineers. The class was very stimulating for me. Then after the class we went to Amsterdam and that was very stimulating too! Stephan Kruppa provided the support for me and kept everyone awake.
I can see Nathan Lively, Vladimir and lots of faces/voices but I need help with names…..

This was my first time back to London to do a seminar since ……….. about 1991 maybe? A very fun and diverse group. I am always honored that people come at all, but especially when they travel long distances such as Bassem Fahmy who came from Cairo and others from Europe. Georgia came all the way from Greece (actually shelives in London, but I was happy she came).

This is the oldest electronic pic I have. Bernie, Andrew Hope, Shawn Hines, Len Dalman. Where is Scott Forbes?